Saturday, March 8, 2025
The Rivercity Players are proud to present ‘Knickers’, a brief comedy by Sarah Quick.
More Information (CKCC The Raven 100.7 is not responsible for external websites)
The Elliston Falls paper mill has been shut down, sending the town spiraling into an economic depression. When an overwhelmed tourism officer arrives to lend a hand, she discovers an unlikely custom underwear business with the 3 brassy friends that make up the local Weight Watchers chapter. Shows are at the Rivercity Theatre in Campbell River, starting at 7:30pm nightly, February 27th, 28th, March 1st, 6th, 7th & 8th, with 2pm matinee showings on March 2nd & 8th. Tickets are $27, for details go to Rivercity Tickets.
Rivercity Theatre
1080 Hemlock Street
Campbell River
V9W 3E4
The event runs from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM on the following dates.
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Tuesday, January 25, join the Campbell River Art Gallery for the opening reception of the 43rd Annual Members Show.
at Campbell River Art GallerySaturday, January 25th, CATS - the Cat Advocates Teaching & Saving Society are holding another Adoption Day Event!
at CATS Cat Advocates Teaching & Saving Society & Thrift CornerSaturday, January 25th, Merville Hall is putting on a Robbie Burns Contra dance for Robbie Burns Day.
at Merville Hall
The word "éy7á7juuthem" means “Language of our People” and is the ancestral tongue of the Homalco, Tla’amin, Klahoose and K’ómoks First Nations, with dialectic differences in each community.
It is pronounced "eye-ya-jooth-hem."