The BC government is rolling out more access to $10-a-day childcare spaces.
The Comox Valley Regional District has held a small acknowledgement and plaque reveal event to recognize the donation of 4.5 acres to be added to Maris Nature Park in Electoral Area C.
Comox Valley seniors in long-term care homes now have improved access to healthcare, thanks to an expanded service model provided by Island Health nurse practitioners.
Canadians will vote in a federal election in a little more than a month.
Twelve First Nations throughout B.C. are receiving provincial funding to support clean-energy projects that will help their members lower energy costs and provide them access to efficient, sustainable sources of energy.
The Town of Comox has announced the completion of the renovated and upgraded saunas in the change rooms at the Comox Community Centre.
Cumberland Fire and Rescue held their Annual Banquet earlier this month where numerous members received awards and recognition for years of service.
The Canadian Firefighters Curling Championships are underway in Edmonton starting today and a pair of firefighters from Campbell River will be there.
Courtenay’s new playground at Brookfield Park is now open.
BC Ferries has announced a series of pricing adjustments, including expanded discount fares on some routes.
The Town of Comox is inviting the public to review its draft Parks and Trails Master Plan and provide feedback over the next few weeks.
The Province is set to start training a new wave of recruits ahead of the upcoming wildfire season.
Thursday is the first official day of spring.
In Courtenay, watch out for contractors installing a new traffic signal controller at the intersection of Lerwick Road and Thrifty’s Access on Thursday.
The annual Comox Valley RV Half Marathon takes place on Sunday and it’s a sell-out.
BC’s pilot secondary-suite incentive program will no longer be accepting applications after March 30th.
Campbell River council has endorsed the Communications and Engagement Strategy Update for the Official Community Plan, with a recommendation that online access to OCP presentations be included.
BC Highway Patrol has wrapped a month-long effort to persuade drivers to Slow Down and Move Over when they see an emergency vehicle, road maintenance vehicle, or any official vehicle with flashing lights stopped at the side of a BC Highway.
Cumberland Community Schools Society is hosting a Repair Café at Cumberland Community School on Saturday, April 26th from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Campbell River Council has approved awarding a total of $820,600 in Community Grants to 18 local organizations.
Courtenay’s 6th Street Active Transportation Bridge has moved another step towards the start of construction.
Construction continues to roll along at Strathcona Gardens with the REC-REATE Aquatic and Wellness Project.
Volunteer and composite fire departments across BC will soon receive more funding ahead of the upcoming wildfire season.
The Province is taking new steps to attract more doctors and nurses from the U.S. by fast-tracking credential recognition and launching a co-ordinated, targeted recruitment campaign.
The Comox Strathcona Waste Management Board has approved tipping fee increases to align their long term financial strategy to follow a user-pay model, where those who generate waste contribute fairly to the cost of managing it.
The United States has paused negotiations with Canada on an amended Columbia River Treaty.
The 6th Annual Small Planet Clean-Up Contest is March 20-April 30!
The Courtenay and District Museum is pleased to present the travelling exhibition Broken Promises from the Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre.
at Courtenay And District Museum And Palaeontology Centre
The word "éy7á7juuthem" means “Language of our People” and is the ancestral tongue of the Homalco, Tla’amin, Klahoose and K’ómoks First Nations, with dialectic differences in each community.
It is pronounced "eye-ya-jooth-hem."