We’re less than a week away from the 2023 Great Shakeout earthquake drills.
Area residents are being encouraged to take part next Thursday morning.
A major earthquake could happen on Vancouver Island at any moment and a potential John Hart Dam or Strathcona Dam failure exists until BC Hydro completes planned seismic upgrades.
Downtown Campbell River is especially at risk, which the city says makes this exercise important for anyone who frequents the downtown core.
The exercise helps by assessing how long it takes you to get outside of the post-earthquake flooding zone following a major earthquake, allowing residents to practice the real evacuation actions that should be taken.
“The Great Shake Out is a chance for you, your family, or your organization to lead by example, and practice earthquake safety,” says Stephanie Bremer, City of Campbell River Assistant Chief – Fire Dispatch/Emergency Management.
“This self-guided community evacuation exercise allows you to practice your evacuation plan and helps promote safety for the whole community in the event of an emergency. With determination and preparation, we can weather any storm.”
The City and the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) encourage everyone to participate. No pre-registration is required, just get involved on Thursday, October 19, 2023, starting in the inundation zone.
At 10:19 a.m. – we’re asked to drop, cover, and hold on, for five minutes. After the “shaking” stops, count to 60 and then begin your evacuation immediately by getting safe and moving out of the area.
Take a selfie at every stage of the exercise. Post them to Facebook or Instagram and tag @strathconaregionaldistrict and use the hashtag #ShakeOutThenGetOut2023, or email them to preparedness@srd.ca.
Everyone who submits their selfies, between October 19 and 23, 2023, will be entered to win one of several household emergency preparedness prizes, with a grand prize of a Household Wildfire Sprinkler Protection Kit.
To learn more, visit 2023 Great Shakeout.