BC Hydro says it knows why air conditioning use is on the rise in the province & your pets get the credit.
BC Hydro says it knows why air conditioning use is on the rise in the province - and your pets get the credit. A new survey found using AC is the number one way British Columbians keep their pets cool in the summer (33 per cent), followed by using a fan (30 per cent) and providing a cool drink (12 per cent).
Of those with AC at home, three-quarters admit to leaving the AC on for their pets when they are not home, sometimes all day. And while many are mindful of their own AC use, when it comes to their pets cost is not a big concern. In fact, two thirds said they do not care if their electricity bill is higher in the summer if it means their pet is cool and comfortable.
BC Hydro data shows AC use increased by about 50 per cent over the past decade from a quarter of British Columbians using it at home to nearly 40 per cent, and AC can be a household’s single biggest energy user in the summer.
For example, running a central AC for nine hours a day can cost British Columbians around $300 in electricity costs over the summer months. BC Hydro recommends a heat pump to save a few bucks, noting it offers up to $3,000 in rebates for those who switch to a heat pump from a fossil fuel-based system.