BC Hydro has reduced water release from the Comox Dam from about 65 cubic metres per second (m3/s) to below 40 m3/s.
Although reduced, the spill rate still presents dangerous conditions along the Barber’s Hole and Nymph Falls section of the Puntledge River and danger signage remains in place along this section of river highlighting the risk.
Beginning Friday night, the plan is to increase the water release from the dam from about 40 m3/s to about 70 m3/s and then hold it at that flow rate through the weekend.
BC Hydro says the increased flows will provide a recreational opportunity for expert kayakers, but the wider public is advised to stay away from the river flow.
Sunday evening, BC Hydro will again reduce water release from the Comox Dam to between 25-30 m3/s and expect to maintain that flow rate through early December.
So far for November, inflows into the reservoir have been about 20 percent above normal, with near normal inflows expected in the next 7-10 days.
The Comox Lake Reservoir is about 133.6 metres, normal for this time of year.
The aim is to keep the reservoir water level below 134.4 metres during storm season for flood risk management and operational flexibility.