Campbell River Minor Hockey is out with numbers from their 3rd annual Pass on the Community Spirit Toy and Food Drive.
They collected a whopping 1253lbs of food and toys for families and kids in need on Sunday, and also last Friday at the Campbell River Storm game against the Comox Valley Glacier Kings.
The Storm will continue to make the holidays a little brighter for kids this Friday at the annual Teddy Bear Toss game.
Also Friday, Comox Valley First Responders and Canadian Armed Forces members will faceoff against the Comox Valley Glacier Kings.
Last year’s game at the Comox Valley Sports Centre raised $21,000.
Funds raised will go directly to programs on Vancouver Island, supporting trauma exposed professionals and their families as they navigate the mental health challenges that often come with serving in uniform.
The Second annual Wounded Warriors Canada Charity Hockey Game starts at 6:30PM (Doors Open at 5:30).
Tickets are still available at Happy’s Source for Sports, The Canex, Comox Valley RCMP Detachment or at the door on game day.