It’s a big weekend for the people of Quadra Island.
On Saturday, the Quadra Community Centre is hosting 'Celebrate Quadra!', an event to celebrate the Island’s people, its culture and natural environment.
“Quadra Island Foundation volunteers are planning our inaugural public event to coincide with Earth Day,” says QIF board chair Michael Mascall.
“Our success as a community depends on the health of the ecosystems that support us, and our incredible surroundings inspire and motivate local artists and scientists, as well as many of our community organizations. There is so much to celebrate about the love we all have for our island.”
The event will include local musical and cultural performances, speakers and slideshows, concession items and a silent auction.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow with admission by donation.
Treasurer Ann Sutton says QIF is a charity for charities, and income generated by Celebrate Quadra! will support local people and projects. Funds raised at the concession will support the food bank and the community lunch program.
Find out more at Quadra Island Foundation.