The City of Campbell River wants you to help shape the future of Quinsam Heights and is holding an ideas fair Wednesday night from 7pm to 9pm at the Campbell River Community Centre.
The session is meant for residents to share their own visions and goals for the future of Quinsam Heights.
The Quinsam Heights Neighbourhood Plan was last updated in 2008.
Since then, Quinsam Heights has seen pockets of new growth and development in response to Campbell River's growing population. As the city continues to grow, Quinsam Heights will be an important growth area to address the community's future housing needs.
The updated Quinsam Heights Neighbourhood Plan will be a visionary land use plan to accommodate a diversity of housing options, retail, business, open space, and recreational opportunities, while preserving sensitive environmental areas that are a key part of the neighbourhood's identity.
The planning process involves ongoing engagement with the public, First Nations, community partners, a Project Advisory Team, City staff and Council at key stages of plan development.
Registration is encouraged for tonight’s drop-in at Neighborhood Plan, so the team can plan ahead - and if you can’t make it, you can share your thoughts in a survey, online at until February 8th.