Campbell River residents will be seeing some various changes to fees for city programs and services in the new year.
"This is the first major fee update the City has conducted since 2014, and a great deal of consideration went into the review as we know that residents rely on many City services,” says Elle Brovold, City Manager.
“Updating fees and charges will allow the City to continue to deliver a high quality of service to the residents of Campbell River, better align program and service delivery with costs and comparator communities’ offerings, and meet rising levels of inflation.”
In a release, the city says the changes will generate increased revenue during 2024, which will shift the cost burden from the general taxpayer to the user who’s benefiting from the services provided.
Among other things, residents will see changes with Parks and Rec fees, Water and Sewage fees, and Curbside Collection. The cost of a blue recycling bin purchased from the City has been set at $25.
The price of garbage tags, which allow residents to put out extra garbage and yard waste above the regularly allowed amounts, will increase to $4.
This fee change is intended to help cover increases in the costs of delivering curbside collection.
Many other user fees have been updated, including fees for fire and police services, cemetery services, financial services, and Freedom of Information requests.
View the updated fees and charges bylaw or email
Turn to page three of the Winter/Spring 2024 Campbell River Recreation Guide for information about recreation fees, rates, and membership.
Read the full news release at City of Campbell River.