While activity off Vancouver Island has been quiet since last week, the Comox Valley Emergency Management Service is reminding residents and visitors to get prepared for the unexpected.
Natural Resources Canada continues to monitor activity around the Island. Seismologist Alison Bird says the offshore swarms are quite normal and happen every year or so and should not be of concern to Comox Valley residents.
She says they are, however, a reminder that this is ‘earthquake country’ and people should take measures to prepare.
At least five quakes struck late last week, the largest being a magnitude 6.4 - others between 4.3 and 4.9.
To be prepared, it’s suggested you have an enough food and water for a minimum of 72 hours, create or restock an emergency kit, prepare a grab and go bag and ensure they are accessible, and make an emergency plan for your family and pets.
You can sign up at Get Notified to receive free local emergency alerts to your landline or mobile device.
For more emergency preparedness tips, visit Comox Valley RD.