The Comox Valley will see significant sewer system upgrades along some of the area's busiest roads starting next spring.
To help people get prepared, information about traffic and construction impacts will be shared at a series of events this month.
The Comox Valley Sewer Conveyance Project will route sewer pipes further inland where they will no longer be vulnerable to damage by waves, rocks and logs.
This project is key to protecting the coastline, resolving environmental risk and preparing for future growth.
Construction will affect all area residents and businesses along Comox Road and through downtown Comox.
The Comox Valley Regional District says the project requires careful consideration, and clear communication, around construction, traffic, environmental and archeological impacts.
Three sessions are being held this month - the first Monday, November 7th, from 2pm to 4pm at the Little Red Church on Comox Ave.
For info on the remaining open-houses, visit https://www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/conveyanceproject