The City of Courtenay wants your input on the future of the Outdoor Pool in Lewis Park.
A summertime destination in the Comox Valley since 1949, the pool is showing its advanced age, and in the coming years may require either significant repairs or potential replacement. The City of Courtenay wants to hear from the public on the future of the outdoor pool.www.courtenay.ca/aquaticstrategy
Share your feedback through an online survey by September 12, 2023.Survey respondents will have a chance to win a 11-punch drop-in fitness and Wellness Centre pass for the Courtenay Recreation Lewis Centre.
Courtenay Mayor Bob Wells says the outdoor pool, in its current condition, is reaching the end of its useful life at almost 75 years old. “We’ve extended its lifespan by many years through maintenance and repairs but now its time to plan for its long-term future,’’ Wells said. He says the Draft Comox Valley Aquatic Strategy gave them a few options to consider, and they’re asking the community to fill out the survey and share their thoughts. The new outdoor pool survey comes on the heels of a Comox Valley-wide analysis of public pools in the region. Earlier this year, the City of Courtenay and the Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) completed a Draft Aquatic Needs Strategy which provided direction for the future of aquatic services in the region. Community feedback showed the outdoor pool is well-used and highly valued in the community. The aquatic strategy also notes that the outdoor pool doesn’t meet current physical accessibility requirements and is located in a flood plain. This new outdoor pool survey asks for feedback on specific options impacting the outdoor pool that were presented in the Draft Aquatic Needs Strategy, including pool repair, replacement, relocation, and closure, with estimated costs for each. Feedback gathered through the survey will help guide the City in determining next steps.