The City of Courtenay has opened a public survey for residents to have their say on proposed changes to guidelines for small-scale residential development.
The changes are intended to make it easier to build new homes faster by streamlining development requirements, while considering other community goals.
The survey is available at www.engagecomoxvalley.ca/courtenay-ssmuh until March 3rd.
There will also be a drop-in open house on Thursday, February 27, 5:30–7:30 p.m., at the Florence Filberg Centre’s Rotary Hall.
Last year, the City updated its zoning bylaw to align with provincial small-scale, multi-unit housing requirements, which applies to over 5,600 properties in Courtenay.
This change makes it easier to build up to four housing units on many residential lots, depending on lot size, location and servicing.
Form and character Development Permit Areas guide land use and development to address community objectives related to building design, siting, landscaping, protection of the natural environment and sustainability (energy and water conservation, and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions).
More feedback will be collected at a public hearing in a few months.
To learn more, visit Engage Comox Valley.