The Village of Cumberland has been announced as a recipient of the Plan H Healthy Communities Grant Program.
Thirty-one projects were funded for a total of $290,000 under two funding streams: Community Connectedness and Healthy Public Policy.
As part of the Healthy Public Policy funding stream the Village of Cumberland and Lush Valley Food Action Society partnered to successfully apply for the grant in July and will receive $15,000 for Food Security and community resilience in Cumberland and policy development to plan for a food-security community in the face of Climate Change and related emergencies.
The Community Connectedness funding stream is providing 17 grants of up to $5,000 plus support and resources for projects that help foster relationship-building in communities.
Get details at Village of Cumberland.
Meanwhile, the City of Campbell River is receiving money through that stream for a Falls Prevention initiative.
This round of grants will help fund a variety of projects throughout the province, including those in rural, urban and Indigenous communities.
The PlanH program is funded by the Ministry of Health and administered by BC Healthy Communities.
It supports local and Indigenous governments to create healthier communities through resources, practices and learning opportunities that focus on people, society and the environment.