Cumberland will soon be hosting an open house to go over the village’s Transportation Master Plan.
Over the course of the summer, Cumberland’s consulting team, in collaboration with the Village, have been refining the recommendations, developing the plan framework, and updating the list of priority actions for the plan.
You can see the work so far at the open house on Tuesday (Sept. 26) in the Village Council Chambers from 12:30-7:30pm.
A series of boards will be available for review along with an interactive mapping activity.
Part of the open house involves a walkshop, or walking tour, which will last an hour (about 2 kilometres), for residents to learn about the priority corridor improvements to help make Cumberland’s streets safer for those walking, cycling, rolling, and driving.
Staff will be on hand to discuss the proposed recommendations and hear new ideas for improvements.
There are a total of four walkshops over the course of the day and each one will include the same walking route. If you would like to participate in a walkshop, you can register online at Eventbrite.