Volunteers will be out Monday to help revitalize the Campbell River Watershed.
The Greenways Land Trust is working alongside the Wei Wai Kum Guardian Watchmen and the We Wai Kai Guardians on their first ever Indigenous Watersheds: Revitalizing Campbell River Project work party.
Crews will be removing blackberries from streamside habitats that are adjacent to both the Campbell River and Kingfisher Creek to prepare the area for replanting of native trees and shrubs.
It will take place from 1030am to 12pm today.
The public is more than welcome to help out - they're meeting at the Kingfisher - Haig-Brown Creek parking lot on the Gold River Highway (on the right hand side if heading towards Gold River, just past the Haig-Brown Heritage House driveway to the right, and the intersection with Quinsam Rd on the left).