The First Nations Leadership Council says it is “shocked and angered” to learn that charges will not be laid against three Campbell River RCMP officers responsible for the killing of an Indigenous man in 2022.
Jared Lowndes, a member of the Wet'suwet'en First Nation, was shot by police in a Tim Horton’s parking lot.
The Independent Investigations Office recommended charges against the three officers involved, but the BC Prosecution Service isn’t going ahead with charges.
“We cannot accept these decisions as the status quo, and we demand immediate answers for Jared's family,” said BC Assembly of First Nations Regional Chief Terry Teegee.
He says a review of the criminal justice system must be prioritized by the government in full partnership with the rights and title holders of British Columbia, adding, “We cannot let yet another death of our family members mark the continued inaction and failure of a system we never consented to.”
In a statement, Grand Chief Stewart Phillip, President of the Union of BC Indian Chiefs, says the decision reopens wounds for Lowndes' family and only drives this issue of colonial violence perpetuated by the justice system further.
The group is calling on Attorney General Niki Sharma and Solicitor General Mike Farnworth to work with First Nations immediately to prevent further injustice and identify a path forward for Lowndes' family.
For more information, visit First Nations Leadership Council.