The team at Habitat for Humanity Vancouver Island North is working on an auction to support the non-profit’s latest affordable housing project on Piercy Avenue Courtenay.
The Garden Shed Auction is on now, through to the end of the month.
Bidding started at $500 on March 6th and the shed can be viewed by potential bidders at the Comox Valley ReStore.
The cottage-style shed measures 99” (l) x 75” (w) x 106” (h), with an entrance deck measuring 48" x 75".
“This shed was built by volunteers who are used to building houses, so it's built like a house,” said Tudor Davies, an experienced Habitat construction volunteer who helped build the shed.
"We had five volunteers. It was about five and a half days of work to put it together. It's a really well-built shed. It's very sturdy, so you can put it on a trailer or truck.”
Features include vinyl siding, household windows that you can open with a hand crank, a shingle roof with tar paper, and an overhang at the entrance.
Funds from the auction will support Habitat VIN’s affordable housing development, a 12-home project at 1375 Piercy Avenue. The project aims to provide safe, decent, and affordable homes to families in the community.
Habitat has brought the community together to build 39 affordable homes on North Vancouver Island since founding in 2004.
Habitat homeowners pay an affordable mortgage geared to their income and volunteer 500 hours with the organization. As homeowners pay off their mortgage, the funds are reinvested into a revolving fund, which is then used to build more homes for more families in the community.
To register for the auction and place your bid, visit charityauction.bid/habitatshed.
If you don’t have the space for a shed, but still want to support the cause, you can make a one-time or monthly donation at habitatdonate.com.