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  • Province Announces $2.8 Million To Support New Automatic Water Meters For Strathcona Regional District

Province Announces $2.8 Million To Support New Automatic Water Meters For Strathcona Regional District

Thursday, July 13, 2023 at 7:28 AM

By Jay Herrington

(left to right) SRD CAO, David Leitch, Michele Babchuk North Island MLA, SRD Electoral Area D Director, John Rice, and SRD Board Chair, Mark Baker. (PHOTO Strathcona Regional District Facebook)

New automatic water meters will help residents in Strathcona monitor and reduce their water consumption, limit water waste, and support the sustainability of local ecosystems.

“Local governments across the province are working hard to improve or upgrade aging infrastructure, so our communities can continue to thrive,” said Anne Kang, Minister of Municipal Affairs.

“We’re supporting the Strathcona Regional District to modernize their water-metering system to help ensure water is used efficiently and that resources are available for future generations.”

The Province invested $2.8 million to support the project.

Strathcona Regional District’s Universal Water Metering project will supply and install residential radio-read water meters in approximately 1,230 households in Electoral Area D.

SRD Board Chair Mark Baker says implementing water meters allows the district to detect potential leaks more effectively and focus educational campaigns on specific areas of concern.

He says overall, meters allow for better resource management and encourage a more sustainable approach to water conservation.

Water meters can reduce overall costs to supply treated water to businesses and residents, while encouraging water conservation and helping support seasonal demands from tourism in the drier months.

The project is part of a $450-million provincial investment in critical community infrastructure to support clean drinking water, wastewater and solid waste treatment, and greenhouse gas reduction through public infrastructure projects in communities provincewide.

This is in addition to the $1-billion Growing Communities Fund, which was provided to all 188 B.C. municipalities and regional districts to support their unique infrastructure and amenities needs.

Learn more at Strathcona Regional District.

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The word "éy7á7juuthem" means “Language of our People” and is the ancestral tongue of the Homalco, Tla’amin, Klahoose and K’ómoks First Nations, with dialectic differences in each community.

It is pronounced "eye-ya-jooth-hem."