The Province of British Columbia is expanding access to air conditioners for people who are medically vulnerable and have low incomes.
“We know extreme heat emergencies can cause significant health challenges for vulnerable people and that’s why we’ve taken steps, so B.C. and our health-care system are better prepared,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health.
“We’re ensuring more people have the tools and supports they need to stay safe during extraordinary heat events. As well, we’re making record investments to our ambulance services and team-based primary care to strengthen our health system.”
The Province is providing $10 million for BC Hydro to expand its Energy Conservation Assistance Program to include free, publicly funded portable air conditioners, meaning more people who are the most vulnerable during extreme heat emergencies will have access to more cooling options.
B.C. Hydro expects to install 8,000 air-conditioning units over the next three years for people who have low incomes and are medically vulnerable to heat.
For full details, visit Government of British Columbia.