Quadra island’s community foundation is marking another milestone with the launch of its website (quadraislandfoundation.ca).
The full-function website includes comprehensive news and information about the role of the community foundation and how people and organizations can contribute a lasting legacy. It features photos generously shared by several local photographers.
In its first year, funding through QIF supported projects such as Quadra Seniors Housing and ICAN’s solar demonstration project at Quadra Elementary School.
In December, thanks to a number of contributions from community members, QIF established an endowment fund by investing its first $10,000 through the Vancouver Foundation’s socially responsible investment fund.
QIF is also grateful for initial financial support from an anonymous donor and from the Strathcona Regional District (through area director Jim Abram) that covered legal fees to register the Community Foundation as a provincial society and as a charitable organization with Revenue Canada.
As a registered charity, QIF provides tax receipts for donations.
Questions? Check out quadraislandfoundation.ca or send email to info@quadraislandfoundation.ca.