Kindergarten registration for kids attending school in SD71 begins on Tuesday, January 10th.
To be eligible for Kindergarten enrolment for the 2023-24 school year, a student must turn five (5) years of age by December 31, 2023.
Registration is available online only. Please ensure you have the following information to complete all registrations:
Your child’s original birth certificate, any applicable immigration documents, and/or proof of Canadian citizenship for both you and your child
Proof of your residence address (a document such as your current year property tax receipt, current month rental receipt, or a purchase/rental agreement)
Your child’s BC Personal Heath Number (PHN)
Note: Online registration requires a computer (not a cell phone or tablet).
Registration forms will not be successfully submitted without all the required information.
If you are registering for French Immersion, Indigenous or Montessori Kindergarten in SD 71 make sure to fill out the Expression of Interest form first found at Comox Valley Schools Expression of Interest and wait for the school to contact you to confirm your spot before you register at Comox Valley Schools.
Kindergarten registration for students in SD72 takes place during the 1st week of February each year.
Children can be registered for kindergarten in the year that they turn five years old.