The Strathcona Regional District is going over Area D’s Official Community Plan with residents today.
An Official Community Plan (OCP) is a principal planning document that provides guidance on the future growth and development of the community.
It sets the long-term vision, providing goals and policies to guide decision making related to land use and development.
The current OCP was adopted in 1996 and is being updated to reflect the needs and vision of the current community and address modern challenges.
The drop in is happening at the Oyster Bay Resort, between 2PM and 7PM, where you can offer feedback on land use, density and housing services, parks and trails, transportation and transit, and climate change and the environment.
In 2017, the Strathcona Regional District (SRD) initiated a process to review and update the OCP for Electoral Area D, which includes lands and waters between Oyster Bay and Buttle Lake, including the Shelter Point and Stories Beach neighbourhoods south of Campbell River.
The project team completed a comprehensive engagement process that included public information meetings, community visioning round table meetings, community focus group meetings, a public hearing, and a referrals process to engage public agencies and First Nations.
For more information, visit Strathcona Regional District.