Construction continues along Balmoral Avenue as part of the Comox Valley Sewer Conveyance Project.
Balmoral Avenue will be closed 24 hours a day between Donovan Drive and Torrence Road through Wednesday, August 21, 2024.
Residents of Balmoral Avenue and emergency services will be provided access.
The road closure is required to accommodate the installation of the sewer forcemain pipe in the area of the Brooklyn Creek bridge.
The stairs accessing Brooklyn Creek Park on Balmoral Avenue are currently closed on both sides due to safety.
Get details at Comox Valley Sewer Conveyance Project.
The City of Courtenay will be repaving Willemar Avenue from the 5th Street corner to the roundabout at Cumberland Road.
Construction is expected Monday through Friday, August 19-23, 7am to 7pm daily, weather permitting.
During construction hours, vehicle traffic will be restricted, with access for local traffic only.
In a release, the City says this project was identified as a priority in Courtenay’s Cycling Network Plan.
It will create an active transportation corridor that connects to current and future cycling infrastructure on 5th Street, Cumberland Road, Piercy Avenue and 1st Street.
Learn more at City of Courtenay.
And the McPhedran Road parking lot at Beaver Lodge Forest Lands in Campbell River will be closed to vehicles and pedestrians Monday, August 19th until Saturday, August 31st.
Crews will be working on the Main Trail, which will also be closed during this time.
The City of Campbell River encourages use of the Trask Road parking lot instead.