The Village of Sayward and the Strathcona Regional District are asking Sayward residents affected by the Newcastle Creek Wildfire to provide their observations on the emergency operations centre and communication activities.
The information collected from the survey will be compiled into a final report and made available to the public upon completion.
All identifying information will be removed to ensure all participants remain anonymous.
You can find the survey online at Strathcona Regional District.
Surveys have also been mailed out to residents in the area - they can be dropped off at the Village office or mailed to the SRD.
Submissions will be accepted until 4:00 pm on Friday June 23rd.
This survey and final report will be one of several topics discussed at a Newcastle Creek Wildfire Community Meeting taking place from 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm on Thursday, June 29th at the Kelsey Recreation Centre.